Friday, August 07, 2009

broken lens.

My beautiful, wonderful 50mm f 1.8 lens died today.

I have no idea what happened to it, it just fell apart. Maybe from over use. hahaha.

So until I can get it fixed/replaced (hopefully very soon!) there will be no new posts. Sorry guys!


  1. Oh no! I hope it isn't too long before you are able to get it back to normal.

  2. ...oh dear...R.I.P dear beloved lens!...

    ...will miss your gorgeous, yum inspiring photos..., what camera are you using to take the photo of the :-) ;)

  3. Hannah,
    Thanks for visiting our blog!

    You'd be perfect for our new foodie friday collaboration. If you're interested, send me the link to your favorite meal of the week by each weds, and I'll post a list of links from various people on friday. You've got some gorgeous shots on your blog! Let me know if you're interested.

  4. Oh no!!! What are your plans? To get the same one again or something different?

  5. It's a shame your a cannon girl, I have an old 50 mm Nikon lens that I just have laying around. I will be anxiously awaiting your return.

  6. this happened to someone else i follow on the net - the front of the fiddy just fell right off. she was able to have hers replaced easily (yay, b&h!), but i guess the good thing is that they're relatively cheap? i keep waiting for something to happen to mine.

  7. I'm really sorry your camera broke! I hope you will be able to get it fixed soon.

  8. I have no clue what I would do if my 50mm broke!! I feel your pain, hope to see some new posts soon :)

  9. I am SO sorry it broke!! :( :( :( Makes me want to cry! I hope you get a new one soon.

  10. Oh, boy! Hope you get it fixed or replace soon! I hope even more that it doesn't cost you and arm and a leg.

  11. Oh no. That must've been like a punch in the stomach! Will wait patiently for your next installment of beautiful shots.

  12. Oh no! Sorry to hear that! I'll definitely miss your gorgeous posting. Hope the camera recovers quickly (and that you don't miss any good photo opportunities, which is what always happens to me when I either forget my camera or break it somehow ....)

  13. jennifer: i'm not sure yet, i'm learning towards just replacing it.

    thanks for all the kind words!

  14. We'll be waiting for your posts Hannah. We're not going anywhere.

  15. Sorry about your lens, I'm wondering if I should just not purchase this lens if people are having problems like that with it.

  16. How sad! That's my favorite lens (the Nikon version). I hope you'll be able to replace/fix it soon - I love your posts and will miss them.

  17. OMG I am sooooo sorry! I love my 50mm 1.8 lens!! Hopefully you'll get a new one soon!


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