Monday, February 17, 2014

the woods are lovely, dark and deep.





February 16th.






A day out in the woods with friends is one well spent.


  1. Woods are wonderful and your pictures are delightful!



  2. Hello Hannah. Thank you for sharing. I love your works and have been following your blog for quite some time. I notice that photos from this post are over sharpened a bit in comparison to your previous ones. Otherwise, color is very rich and tasteful!

  3. Just stunning --- the light is so sharp and clear in these shots!

  4. That picture below the canoe picture with the rolled up jeans is my favorite of all. :)

  5. wonderful pictures!!!

  6. What beautiful pictures. I went to the woods this weekend just gone too, but it was 35C in Perth, Australia. The calm being away from the city has is universal. Thanks for sharing your woods!

  7. I actually had such an obsession for the woods, that I had to move to the edge of them so I could get a fix anytime I wanted.

    love your photos!

  8. Absolutely beautiful. You really captured the feel of the outdoors!

  9. gorgeous shots! I wish it was warm enough in Virginia to spend the day in the woods!

  10. Great article with excellent idea! I appreciate your post. Thanks so much and let keep on sharing your stuffs keep it up.

  11. The woods are indees lovely! as well as those pictures

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  13. There's such a wonderful feeling bring at ease with nature, good friendship & food. These gorgeous images capture it all for me in (the slow lead up) to Winter here in Australia. :)

  14. Wow, your pictures are very very good!

  15. The photographs seen over here are so mesmerizing.

  16. Wow I loved it!

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  19. Hannah,

    I have always enjoyed your photography. Simply beautiful.

    Sandra Brooks McCravy

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